Meet Kreation's in-house nutrition specialist Megan. She offers complimentary nutrition and Kleanse counseling to all of our Kreation customers. Megan previously worked at a Doctor's office for six years where she worked with patients one on one and discovered that most degenerative diseases are inextricably linked to one's diet and can be stabilized or reversed with nutritional intervention. Megan is also a Certified Personal Trainer and and brings a holistic approach when working with individuals on their health goals.
Here are some answers to the top asked nutrition questions Megan hears.
Q: Do I need to count Calories?
I do not believe we all need to be counting every calorie we put in our mouths. One reason being, not all calories are equal in my book. Calories from fat, protein and carbohydrates all generate different metabolic responses in the body. Also, the quality of the fat, protein or carbohydrate consumed has significant effects on the body. Calorie counting can be helpful in examining your diet, to learn a general awareness of food values and where the pitfalls in your diet are. I believe that following a balanced diet full of fresh unprocessed foods is more imperative than strictly counting calories for a healthy body.
Q: What about fat? I heard fatty foods are bad for me?
There is a lot of confusion about fat out there. Let me start off by saying I love fat, but only the good kind. Here’s the skinny on fats: there are a few different kinds which have different nutritional benefits. Let’s start with unsaturated fats. There are two: Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated fats are very healthy and necessary for the body. They are found in avocados, olives, almonds, and pumpkin seeds. Polyunsaturated fats are also necessary for the body and are healthy. They are found in fish and make up the Omega-3’s. They are also found in walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseeds. Then there are saturated fats. These are the kind that can be harmful by contributing to dangerous levels of cholesterol. The body does need saturated fats and we can get in them in healthy forms like coconuts, eggs, and full fat dairy. The last fat that can show up on our plate are Trans Fats. These fats are not found from any plant or animal and are engineered by adding extra hydrogen molecules to vegetable oils. These fats do not have any nutritional benefits and are harmful to the body. These are the fats found in processed and fast foods.
Q: Should I eliminate carbohydrates from my diet to lose weight?
There are some famously recognized diets that promote cutting out all carbohydrates in order to lose weight, which may work for a while, but could have adverse effects on health in the long run. Carbohydrates are our body’s favorite fuel, as they are the easiest to break down and convert into energy. That being said, I think it’s important to be aware that many processed carbohydrate foods are void of nutrients and high in calories and sugars. Instead of cutting carbohydrates out, I suggest switching them. Most people think of vegetables and fruits as their own food group, but they include healthy carbohydrates, essential for a low calorie, balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals. Also for those of you who can't give up cooked grains and bread, go for the least processed kinds which will have more fiber and nutrients such as brown rice, quinoa and oatmeal.
Q: Why is fiber important and how do I get it in my diet?
Fiber adds bulk to your diet and can help remove cholesterol from the body. Because of fiber’s bulk it makes you feel fuller and can help with weight loss and maintaining a healthy body weight. Fiber also aids in digestion, prevents constipation, and can be helpful reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Legumes, fruits and vegetables are some of the richest forms of fiber, along with nuts, seeds and whole grains such as oatmeal, and brown rice.
Q: Is Organic Produce worth it?
Simply, yes. Whenever possible eat Organic. Some produce gets hit harder than others and you can look up the “dirty dozen” which is a list of the most chemically covered non-organic produce versus produce that get less chemicals when conventionally grown. Organic produce has specific requirements that must be met in order to be labeled as such. It is grown in a more natural way without the use of synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes (GMOs), petroleum-based fertilizers or sewage sludge-based fertilizers. The problem with conventionally grown produce is that these chemicals are being consumed along with the produce. Many studies have done tests to discover a multitude of chemicals in study patients. These chemicals are not meant to be consumed and there could be negative health effects in a lifetime of consuming non-organic produce. Kreation uses 100% organic fruits and vegetables. It is not something we compromise on, ever, because of the incredible benefits of eating organic.