Self-Love: what is it and how can you achieve it?! Let’s start off with what the term self-love actually means…”Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.” Feel like you don’t always feel that way about yourself or perform actions in line with self-love? You’re not alone…in a study done on a large percentage of the American population, results showed that only “36% of Americans say they “always” like themselves, and close to half (47%) say they like themselves “most of the time.” Only (12%) say they don't like themselves “most of the time,” and very few (2%) say they don't like themselves at all.” Interesting, right? We are actually currently living through what has been referred to as a “self-love crisis”!
Now to pinpoint the reasons behind this crisis, let’s talk about body image challenges. This can be a tough one for anyone who lives in a body that is overly scrutinized by modern Western society and in turn, overly scrutinized by themselves. This issue manifests with any type of emotional or mental discomfort around your body. Symptoms are negative self-talk, pushing your body too hard, and not taking up the sensual space you deserve. And who needs that kind of energy?! Not us!
Ready to get to the part where I tell you how you can increase your feelings of self-love? The first step is always reflection…think about how you view yourself, your life, your body, and even your relationships. Journaling and meditation can help with clarifying those thoughts. Next comes healing. While this step happens gradually, once you’ve put some time into reflection, you may have a clearer sense of what exactly it is you need to work on and heal from. And you know who can help you heal probably better than you can yourself? Those you love most.
So this valentines day, your Kreation family urges you to really take advantage and spend time with those special, close people in your life. Your loved ones have the power to bring out the best in you, and in turn can directly impact the way you feel about and see yourself. And what better way to spend time with your loved ones than with an organic and nutritious Kreation spread?! After all, nourishing your body with healthy foods is definitely an act of self-love in itself. A few of our Valentine’s day themed favorites are our cacao pudding, dehydrated strawberries, and refined sugar free Kreation chocolate bars. Now for the items that are really going to make you feel like your best self from the inside out, reach for our flavored collagen waters, Marjan’s Favorite, bone broth, and chlorophyll water. And to make it even easier for you, we prepared limited edition & specially curated self-love boxes in honor of valentine’s day, filled with on-theme goodies to make this v-day extra special. You can grab one in stores until February 15th! XO 💋

Self love definition: https://www.bbrfoundation.org/blog/self-love-and-what-it-means
Percentage study: How do Americans see themselves? | YouGovhttps://today.yougov.com › articles-reports › 2021/04/01