Meet Stassi, a local fitness and nutrition expert that we love more for her inner beauty than rock hard body. She'll be contributing exercises for your body and mind to the Kreation blog. For more on Stassi, go to StassiFitness.com and follow her on instagram @StassiFitness.
I COME FIRST - #KreateGoals every month in 2017
I'm usually not the "resolution type". We all know that we should eat better, drink more water, exercise more consistently...but I am determined to make this year a year of change.
"May you become so unrecognizable to yourself in 2017,
that you finally recognize yourself." - Riz Mirza
For the next 12 months #KreateGoals in one area of life you want to work on at a time:
love, career, finances, travel, self-care, contribution, personal challenges, learning a new skill, facing your fears.
Each month set an intention to do your best toward that one goal.
I come first (Jan 2017)
We spend so much time doing things for other people. The truth is that if you want to get your body and life in shape, you have to put focus on you.
Here are 3 steps to SYNCHRONIZE yourself!
Step 1. GET CLEAN.
Get organized and throw out all the crap in your life. Don't just think about stuff, think food, bad habits, friendships or relationships that take away time that should be spent on you. Only keep the people, the meals, and the things that support your well-being and make you feel stronger.
Step 2. GET IT ON.
Working out is less about being in good physical shape (although it's a nice added bonus!) but the mental and emotional benefits that we get from physical activity will trickle over into other areas of life. Let your goal in the gym be - to FEEL GOOD!
Step 3. GO DEEP.
Ask yourself the questions that you have been avoiding. Why am I not where I want to be in life? How did I contribute to that? What areas can I improve on? What am I willing to do different? Read a book, take a course, journal, anything that will push your limits and challenge you.
This is the time to set the stage, to take back the power and create an atmosphere for a successful, prolific and a productive year.