3 Days to Crush Your Sugar Habit

kreation products

Did you binge on Halloween candy or have one too many slices of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving? If you're feeling sluggish, breaking out, having a hard time concentrating, or suffering from digestion or candida issues, it may be linked to the sugar in your diet!

Here's the low down on sugar...

  • Known to contribute to obesity and chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, dementia, type 2 diabetes as well as increase risk for depression, acne, infertility and impotence.
  • Imbalances hormones, mood, energy, blood sugar and suppresses the immune system.
  • 8 times as addictive as cocaine!

By increasing our intake of healthy fats, proteins, foods rich in antioxidants and keeping our bodies hydrated, we can flush out sugars & toxins and rebalance our systems to function optimally.


  • Assists the kidneys in eliminating waste
  • Increases oxygen flow, allowing you to be more energized, alert & focused
  • Drink approximately half your body weight in ounces of water per day, in between meals (not during) for better digestion. 

Proteins & Fats

  • Don't let your blood sugar drop so low that you grab the quickest, sugariest snack or processed foods you can get your hands on!
  • Avoid this by eating meals high in protein & healthy fats to feel full & sustained longer.
  • Meal prep or plan out what you're going to eat ahead of time!

Rainbow Diet

  • Eat your colors! Different colors represent different phytonutrients that have specific health benefits to the body.
  • Replenishes essential nutrients that sugars have deprived you of! 

with our 3 Day Sugar Flush!

Day 1 (drink approximately 250ml of water between every meal)
Wake up - Lemon Alkaline Water
Breakfast - Celery Juice
Morning Snack - Raw Chia Pudding
Lunch - Collard Greens Salmon Wrap
Water Break - Chlorophyll Alkaline Water
Afternoon Snack - GoGo Garbanzo
Dinner - Meltdown Salad
After Dinner: Immune+ Syringe Shot
Day 2 (drink approximately 250ml of water between every meal)
Wake up -  Lemon Alkaline Water
Breakfast - Green #3
Morning Snack - Warrior Smoothie
Lunch - Raw Spicy Hav-A-Cado Soup
Water Break -   Chlorophyll Alkaline Water
Afternoon Snack - Raw Mediterranean Almonds
Dinner - Niçoise Salad
After Dinner: Beautify Syringe Shot
Day 3 (drink approximately 250ml of water between every meal)
Wake up -  Lemon Alkaline Water
Breakfast - Celery Juice
Morning Snack - GreenTastic Smoothie
Lunch - Detox Cabbage Soup
Water Break - Chlorophyll Alkaline Water
Afternoon Snack - Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower Tapas
Dinner - Buddha Bowl
After Dinner: Flush Down Syringe Shot

Click here to pre-order your Sugar Flush Down Kleanse from a Kreation location near you!

Don't forget to Maintain
After you manage to rid your body of toxins, reap the benefits of glowing skin and high energy levels, try to replace sugary treats with fresh fruits, and continue to keep incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your diet. Don't forget to always stay super hydrated!

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1 comment
  • just would love to have more info on your products.

    dina pride on

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