The best sex of your life by our favorite personal Yoga instructor, Marlize.
Visualize and fantasize...
1. Meditate. It’s important for you to connect with the breath in your body and to center yourself. This will allow you to open your body, spirit and mind to that special someone. Distracted while having sex? First time, or a new partner... or someone you’ve wanted to be with for a long time? In any case, relaxing your mind and centering around your breath will bring you into the moment.

2. Tree Pose: Focusing on your partner, their pleasure and yours will ensure a happy ending for the both you (or all of you...?). Stretch that leg and keep it open! Hold this stance for as long as you can keep your balance, then switch legs. Opening up your hips is necessary if you want to be ready for missionary or straddling your partner. The wider the hips, the deeper the penetration.

3. Butterfly Pose: Loosen those tightened muscles and increase your flexibility. If you’re feeling tight (...we're not talking about your vagina), hold this pose for a few minutes, allowing your muscles to relax and open. No one wants to have a partner who can’t get their leg up straight... if you’re into that. If you’re legs are going to quiver, it should only be from too much pleasure.

4. Cobra Pose: With this pose, we are opening our hearts and invigorating our bodies. It’s especially good for men to build stiffness in their lower backs; he’ll be ready with you under him to go a long time when he keeps this up. Hold this pose for 15-30 seconds. Fun Fact: this pose doubles as a sex position.

5. Lunge Pose: Alternate between both legs for 30 seconds each. Lunges will build strength in your glutes and thighs, important for endurance and stamina. The stronger we are, the longer we can go! We need our glutes and thighs to last while we get closer to our climax, when we’re bouncing, when we’re penetrating... really for almost everything unless you’re planning to just lay there (please don’t).

Now that we have the poses down, we have some of our favorite Kreation foods that you should be adding to your sex regimine to keep you invigorated, healthy and ready for your sexcapades.
1. Our Almond Mylk is a his and hers favorite.
- Almonds will regulate your hormones
- Help improve fertility
- Develop healthy ovarian follicles
- Supports the production of testosterone

- 90% of serotonin (your pleasure sensors) is produced by gut microbes
- Supports your immunity
- Detoxifies your gut
- Balances your body’s pH levels

3. Dehydrated Fruit increases blood flow.
- Increase blood flow to your sex organs
- Taste and smell good for your foreplay

- Rebuild and repair muscles and tissues
- Increases endurance
- Maintain steady energy
- Promotes healthy sleeping patterns
- Balances hormones

- Phytonutrients
- Debloating
- Fiber rich
- Improves digestion
- Strengthens your skin, hair and nails
- Promotes Weight loss
So there you have it! Our top picks and poses to support you and your partner before having sex. Tag us @KreationJuice in your posts to show us your stretches (just please nothing too inappropriate).