Intermittent Fasting – the Kreation Way

Intermittent Fasting – the Kreation Way

By Nikki Rahimian By now we’ve all heard about the latest health and wellness craze; intermittent fasting. Research behind this proposed eating schedule suggests that when you fast for extended periods of time, your human growth hormone levels increase while insulin levels drop, making it easier for your body to access stored body fat and burn it off instead of pulling from new calories when you eat all day long. The most common IF schedule is 16:8. This means you eat during an 8 hour window, from 12pm-8pm for example, and fast for the other 16 hours of the day....

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kreation products

3 Days to Crush Your Sugar Habit

Did you binge on Halloween candy or have one too many slices of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving? If you're feeling sluggish, breaking out, having a hard time concentrating, or suffering from digestion or candida issues, it may be linked to the sugar in your diet! Here's the low down on sugar... Known to contribute to obesity and chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, dementia, type 2 diabetes as well as increase risk for depression, acne, infertility and impotence. Imbalances hormones, mood, energy, blood sugar and suppresses the immune system. 8 times as addictive as cocaine! By increasing our intake...

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a woman doing yoga

5 Simple Yoga Poses for the Best Sex of Your Life

Have you ever wondered what you can do to prepare for the best sex of your life? We asked one of our favorite personal Yoga instructors and good friend, Marlize Joubert, to show us the best poses to get our bodies flexible and strong so that we can keep up round after round. Get your mats out and have that someone...

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